About Us
Specify the core line of your business, provide mission and vision statements, and highlight various awards and other recognition your organization has received. Other important details, like the date of incorporation and names of the founders can also be displayed to users through About Us page.
For opening external web pages right through the app use this page. For example, if you're a rock band, you can include a link to your concert page or for an event app, you can include links to sponsors' websites.

Allow users to get in touch with you directly at the tap of a button through phone, external link, email or SMS.
A simple way for your customers to reach you. This one page can help give all details for customers to either call, email, visit the website, or find your business on a map.

student details
Allow users to schedule appointment and send inquires with pre-set form formats. You can also create your own form for your specific needs using custom form option.